US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as President Donald Trump meets with his cabinet on May 19, 2020 in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)
By Stephen Lendman
All politicians lie. Rare exceptions prove the rule.
Past and present US politicians and senior bureaucrats are the world’s most publicized liars, notably on domestic and geopolitical issues mattering most.
Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, other regime officials, and likeminded congressional members falsely accused China of spreading COVID-19 infections to other countries - no corroborating evidence presented because none exists.
Time and again, US Iranophobes falsely accused the Islamic Republic of being the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism - a dubious distinction far and away applying to the US.
Iran is the region’s leading proponent of peace, stability, and mutual cooperation among all nations - polar opposite how the US, NATO, Israel, and their partners in high crimes of war and against humanity operate.
The hemisphere’s leading democracy Venezuela is falsely called a dictatorship by the US, a nation supporting an array of tinpot despots worldwide, notably in the Middle East and Latin America.
Time and again, Russia was accused of all sorts of things by US officials that it had nothing to do with - notably nonexistent US election meddling, a longstanding US specialty worldwide, not how Moscow operates.
Interviewed on CNN, the most distrusted proliferator of fake news, Barack Obama regime National Security Council advisor Susan Rice lied, falsely claiming the "Russians (are) behind (days of) race protest mayhem."
What’s happening is "right out of the Russian playbook," she roared, adding:
"(W)e cannot allow the extremists, the foreign actors, to distract from the real problems we have in this country that are longstanding, centuries old, and need to be addressed responsibly."
Instead of demanding credible proof for her accusation, Russophobe, Chinaphobe, Iranophobe, apartheid Israel cheerleader Wolf Blitzer, agreed with her Big Lie, saying:
"You’re absolutely right (about) foreign interference" - despite no evidence proving it because none exists.
Blitzer pushed the Big Lie, falsely claiming Moscow wants to "embarrass" the US by "promoting the racial divide in our country."
It’s self-promoting, centuries of incriminating evidence explaining the white supremacist nature of US society, Blacks and other people of color mistreated like second class citizens or worse - mass incarcerated, largely for minor offenses or trumped up charges, while high crimes in the suites go unpunished.
Americans are easy marks to be fooled repeatedly by the power of state-approved, media proliferated, propaganda.
During US proxy wars on Central American countries in the 1980s, affecting Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, Ronald Reagan asked Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid to back his agenda.
He declined saying if he tried convincing Mexicans to believe Washington’s death squad wars were just, half the population would die laughing in disbelief.
Yet US opinion polls show Americans are manipulated to believe almost anything, no matter how untrue.
CNN is a notorious proliferator of managed news misinformation, disinformation, and fake news - an operation to be shunned.
Rice and her wealthy husband are members of the nation’s super-rich.
Throughout her time in government, she never met a US war of aggression she didn’t cheerlead - nor Big Lies about nations on the US target list for regime change she didn’t repeat with relish.
As Obama regime UN envoy, she cheerled US aggression on Syria and Libya, including Muammar Gaddafi’s sodomized murder.
As national security advisor, she was involved in planning continuation of endless wars, including the terror-bombing of seven countries, what Obama bragged about.
Critics called her an undiplomatic senior Obama regime official.
Russia responded strongly to her Big Lie claim of its involvement in ongoing US protests nationwide.
A Foreign Ministry statement said the following:
"The United States has certainly accumulated systemic human rights problems: race, ethnic and religious discrimination, police brutality, bias of justice, crowded prisons and uncontrolled use of firearms and self-defense weapons by individuals, to name a few."
"We are urging the US authorities to take effective measures to improve the current state of affairs, resume good-faith efforts to honor international commitments and tailor national legislation to the UN basic principles on the use of force and firearms by law enforcement."
"And, of course, they should meticulously investigate the murder of George Floyd."
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova added:
"Some time ago, (Rice’s Dem) party colleagues made a fatal mistake when they decided to blame absolutely everything that was not to their liking on Russia."
"Hillary Clinton and the Obama team convinced themselves and tried to convince the world that the domestic problems in the United States were created and encouraged by an external force: Russia."
"Your interview with CNN is a perfect example of barefaced propaganda."
"I would like to remind (Rice) that the social media, which you believe are being used by Russian agents to fuel protests in American cities, were registered in the United States, belong to Americans and are regulated by American laws."
"Are you trying to play the Russia card again? You have been playing too long; please, come back to reality."
"Go out and face your people, look them in the eye and try telling them that they are being controlled by the Russians through YouTube and Facebook."
"And I will sit back and watch ‘American exceptionalism’ in action."
Russian upper house Federation Council Senator Konstantin Kosachev said the following:
"What Susan Rice has said is a direct insult. Not so much to Russia, which is simply non-existent and can’t be in this situation, but to its own people and the memory of US citizen George Floyd."
"The American fake news machine screeched, huffed and puffed and finally burst into a long-predicted act."
"It would have been very funny. But it will be sad because this may be the first sign of what to come. But it’s not Russia that smells bad."
Russian Senator Oleg Morazov said the following:
Rice’s "task is once again to divert the attention of American society to the swamp of Russophobia, routinely shifting the search for an outside enemy, deflecting the hit from the White House and the American elite as a whole."
"The principle is ‘who else but Russia?’"
"These statements sound like the ravings of a madman, but I’m sure that no one will believe this joke. The motives and reasons for what’s happening are too obvious."
Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stressed that Russia never interfered in US affairs and has no intention of breaching international law.
The US under both right wings of its war party is a serial law breaker.
It notoriously blames other nation for its own high crimes and other wrongdoing - often blaming victimized countries for US crimes committed against them.
Its actions at home and abroad are what the scourge of imperialism and police state ruthlessness are all about.
Stephen Lendman, born in 1934 in Boston, started writing on major world and national issues began in summer 2005. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. Lendman now hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. Distinguished guests are featured. Listen live or archived. Major world and national issues are discussed. Lendman is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient.
Lendman’s two books are titled How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, and Government Collusion, and Class War."